Dear Shen Yun,
I love this show very much! Always feel exited whenever I see a Shen Yun poster somewhere, or see an add online. It makes me feel like the greatest thing on earth is coming. You guys are the best.
Much Love,
Daniel Noll
Daniel VI SHEN YUN EN Cincinnati (Aronoff Center for the Arts), abril 2012
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Awesome performance. A must see!!!Charlene Juenemann VI SHEN YUN EN Washington (The Kennedy Center Opera House), marzo 2012
Outstanding performance I was so moved by the beauty and grace of the artists!! Thank you so much for this show. I will certainly try to come again next year...Rosemary Owings VI SHEN YUN EN Washington (The Kennedy Center Opera House), marzo 2012
The performances were spectacular! The performers, the costumes, the outstanding graphics and effects all came together to enlighten me to a history I knew little about before today. These performances are providing a modern means to pass down 5000 years of history to another generation through the use of universal artistic communication. Today was my 50th birthday and this performance contributed to making a wonderful memory for me and has touched me deeply! I only wish it could have gone on longer!Keith Wancowicz VI SHEN YUN EN Washington (The Kennedy Center Opera House), marzo 2012
The show was amazing! Every single moment was breathtaking. Thank you!Alora VI SHEN YUN EN Washington (The Kennedy Center Opera House), marzo 2012
I was there for Opening Night March 21, 2012. My wife who is from Thailand had never seen such a show in her life; nor had I. She was amazed at the color and backdrop scenery and how it brought the music and dance to the audience. Thank you for a wonderful performance that night.Tom Rodman VI SHEN YUN EN Washington (The Kennedy Center Opera House), marzo 2012
Please send me info about the Show. Thanksvan Nguyen, marzo 2012
BEAUTIFUL! My daughters and I thoroughly enjoyed the show. The evening was a gift to my oldest daughter who is also a beautiful Chinese dancer. I hope Shen Yun comes to Pittsburgh again next year!Christine Adams VI SHEN YUN EN Pittsburgh (The Benedum Center for the Performing Arts), marzo 2012
After having watched the show four days ago, I am still reminscing about each program. I was deeply touched and moved by the music, the singing, dancing and story-telling. Thank you!Ms. Lee VI SHEN YUN EN Minneapolis (Orpheum Theatre), marzo 2012